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Dino’s Epilepsy Story

March 2019 was just like any other day. I was getting ready for work, when I was suddenly startled. A loud unfamiliar noise had emerged from the other room. My instincts told me something was wrong. I instantly ran through to find Dino rolling around on the ground, flailing and foaming at the mouth; he was completely incoherent.

Completely unaware of what was happening to him, my heart stopped as I tried to decide what to do. His convulsions lasted for thirty seconds or so, but felt like a lifetime. My first thought was that maybe he had come into contact with something poisonous. I’d never felt so helpless and terrified before. That was the first time Dino had a seizure.

Within the following weeks, his seizures continued and became more frequent, which ultimately led to Dino being diagnosed with epilepsy just before his second birthday. At the beginning of his diagnosis, like any owner would, it was hard not to break down with every seizure he suffered – and it wasn’t even the seizure that broke me, but the look he gave me after they were over before coming to comfort me with kisses, even though it was he who was the one who was suffering. Of course, I comfort him back, along with his sisters who too are always right there to make sure he is okay. 

[Dino and his sister, Aspen]

It’s now been three years since Dino was diagnosed with epilepsy, each of those years bringing a new mountain of emotions with them. The hardest part for all of us has been having to come to terms with the fact that not only is there no cure, but no one knows what triggers his seizures in the first place. The lack of explanation and fear of the unknown makes me constantly question his triggers; Are there any? If so, what are they? I want to help him to avoid them at all costs, but it breaks my heart to know that I can’t.

Over the years, adjustments of medications have helped to spread his seizures out, and as of January 8th, Dino has been seizure free! I know that Dino cannot escape his illness, but the way he handles each hurdle he comes across, and the support he has around him, makes me feel assured that he will be okay. I’m glad that he is still our charming, sweet-hearted Dino.

Show Dino your support by following him on Instagram @detroithuskies

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Aspen: The Siberian Walk of Shame

We have two dogs, Aspen and Dino. They are brother and sister – and boy can you tell! Both are beautiful husky pooches, with bright eyes and mischievous minds. They love to go on adventures, and we love to join them. However, we haven’t been able to go on as much as we’d like after Dino was diagnosed with epilepsy. He suffers many seizures which mean that he needs constant caring eyes on him, which ultimately has led to our lack of freedom when it comes to going out on adventures together. (Read his story here).

When his seizures began to settle down, we made the decision to purchase a camper. Best. Decision. Ever. The camper has meant that we can now all go on trips together, without the worry of Dino suffering a seizure alone. Having the camper allows us to easily travel just about anywhere with Dino and Aspen. We feel confident doing so, as not only have they taken on training classes, but have continued training at home alongside being well socialized, preventing any separation anxiety and moulding them into two happy and confident dogs.

[Aspen and her brother Dino]

Don’t be fooled though, this story is not about Dino – it’s actually about his sister Aspen!

Aspen is the definition of ‘strong independent woman’. She’s unapologetically herself, which, a lot of the time is great, however there is one aspect of this mindset that is more on the embarrassing side…

When Aspen has to go, she has to go. That’s right, Aspen’s lack of shame has lead to many incidents – all stemming from the fact that she isn’t ashamed to loosen her bowels. No matter where she may be, the poop bags are always on hand – and it’s the same when we’re going on adventures in the camper!

One of our favorite trips was the time we visited an outdoor shopping centre in Traverse City, Michigan. The dogs received lots of pets, treats and compliments – I blame myself for not reading the situation. As always, the flurry of fuss and attention got Aspen very excited, and she just couldn’t hide it. That’s right, Aspen couldn’t help but let one loose and poop right in the middle of the shopping centre. Not only was it in the middle of the centre, but on what looked like a ‘Walk of Fame’ handprint and signature memorial.

If this were to have happened a couple of years ago, we would have died of embarrassment, but over the years we’ve learnt to just laugh it off – after all, what else can we do? The timing and placement was perfect – perfect enough for a picture of it to go straight on the dog’s Instagram page. Aspen’s followers are used to her antics by now, and as always were finding this one hilarious, that was, until we received one comment that stood out from the rest. What was this comment? I hear you ask. Well, this comment was short and sweet, simply informing us that the memorial which Aspen chose to do her business on was in fact that of none other than Melissa Gilbert, of The Little House on the Prairie! It’s safe to say that we were mortified; but hey, if a girls gotta go, a girls gotta go!

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