
Dexter: Mischief, Mayhem, Madness

We all know that one person who just can’t help but get into mischief – it’s in their blood! Well, the same goes for dogs. Some dogs stick to being on the sensible side, some get into mischief here and there – but they know their boundaries, whilst some dogs just love to cause havoc, all day every day. Well, it’s safe to say that this pooch loves to cause havoc, all day every day; No dog does mischief quite like Dexter. From sneaking up on traffic wardens and having a cheeky sniff (literally), to breaking into a building site and hopping onto the back of the trucks, Dexter knows mischief like the back of his paw. And sure, these antics are all well and good, but Dexter’s most risky move of all doesn’t come close!

One day, on a walk with his owner, Dexter was feeling adventurous and so decided to have an explore of his surroundings. ‘What’s wrong with that?’ I hear you ask. Well, nothing, as long as he doesn’t sneak through the fence into the nearby cemetery.


Unfortunately for Dexter and his owner, during this particular exploration, if you hadn’t guessed already, he had managed to sneak through the fence into the nearby cemetery. 


Dexter’s owner shouted and screamed as the mischievous mutt danced between the gravestones like a spirit dog, running and jumping; he was having the time of his life! Unfortunately, the same could not be said for his owner, who eventually had to climb over the locked gate, screaming for Dexter to come back.

‘It could be worse.’ I hear you say, ‘At least there wasn’t a service on.’ Well, my friend, that’s where you’re wrong. It couldn’t be worse, because there was a service on, and everyone attending was witnessing Dexter’s antics, by which point the churchwarden had also noticed. Mischievous? Yes. Embarrassing? Definitely. Dexter does it all.

So, after what seemed like an eternity, Dexter was finally reunited with his owner, who were both now faced with an angry churchwarden running towards them in the middle of a cemetery, whilst a group of mourners watched in awe. I think it’s safe to say that Dexter won’t be welcome to any services any time soon.

[Dexter laughing]

See more of Dexter and his mischievous adventures on his Instagram @thathuskydexter